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ASHRAE and Educational Institutions: Shaping Tomorrow’s Built Environment Today


ASHRAE大学和学院认识到,加强我们在所有学科的知识基础,为每个人带来一个更美好的世界. This is particularly important in the areas related to the built environment industry given that, 作为对环境影响最大的行业, 我们有更大的机会来减少这种影响.

我们已经有了可以大大减少对建筑物的影响的技术——现在是采用现有技术的时候了, 在此基础上拥抱变化, pushing the boundaries and engaging all of the stakeholders in building design, 建设与运营.

这就是为什么大学和学院的作用如此重要——你们把今天的领导人和明天的领导人聚集在一起,分享他们的知识, work together, share ideas and advance the standards of practice to improve the built environment.

通过它的各种资源,包括 research学生分支机构 and publications, ASHRAE支持您的努力. 这些资源支持你的教授, 研究人员和其他工作人员的日常工作, 引导学生了解他们所处的环境.

Here are a few ways in which ASHRAE helps you shape tomorrow’s built environment today.

  • Research



    ASHRAE research plays an important role behind the scenes at your workplace, in your home and throughout your life. 从通过研究人体生理学和建筑材料来保持我们的舒适,到通过研究食物冷藏和冷却环境的参数和准则来保护我们的健康. 利用研究来提高工人的生产力,为制造过程创造和维护工业环境, ASHRAE发现新的信息,所有的制造商, designers, 系统安装人员和操作人员依赖.

    ASHRAE has been sponsoring research to advance the arts and sciences of HVAC&自1919年以来一直为公众服务. It is a unique program that depends on voluntary funding and the many volunteers who plan and monitor the research. ASHRAE research has grown steadily over the years to the current commitment of more than $10 million for over 100 projects.

    • ASHRAE supports some $3 million of new research annually through contributions made by nearly 7,000个人和公司.
    • ASHRAE大约10%的年度研究预算被分配给助学金和奖励,直接惠及研究生和最近的博士.D. recipients starting their first full-time tenure-track or tenured faculty position who are pursuing an HVAC&R相关教育或研究领域通过 ASHRAE研究生助学金计划 ($10,000/补助金),并透过 ASHRAE新研究者奖 (每年最多资助一名获奖人15万元).
    • ASHRAE research uncovers new information about material properties and building physics and, 同样重要的是, 促进创新技术的商业应用.
    • ASHRAE research finds practical application by serving as the basis of Society standards and through updates to the ASHRAE Handbook.

    作为ashrae资助的研究项目的调查员, 你有机会和协会的55位成员分享你的工作,在世界各地有超过000名会员. Results of ASHRAE research projects are made available at no cost to members.

    ASHRAE保留了一个研究项目潜在承包商名单,这些承包商在ASHRAE感兴趣的各个研究领域表达了兴趣和专业知识. To join that listserv and learn when potential projects are open for bid, visit cmusrm.mytime2win.com/listservs.

  • Publications


    其全球会员的专业知识和社会资助的研究成果使ASHRAE出版物的深度和广度是商业出版商无法比拟的. Your students will appreciate the depth of information and low prices of these texts. Instructors of universities, technical institutes and vocational schools may request 考试副本.

    暖通空调控制系统基础 provides a thorough introduction and a practical guide to the principles and characteristics of HVAC controls. 它描述了如何使用、选择、指定和设计控制系统.

    空调系统设计手册 serves as an excellent resource for seniors or graduate-level students in HVAC system design, 这本手册填补了理论与实践之间的空白, 弥合在典型的学术课程或教科书中获得的理论知识与现实世界的设计实践之间的差距.

    HVAC Simplified 提供对基本暖通空调概念的理解,并将这些原则扩展到用于创建高效,提供舒适和健康环境的建筑系统的简单设计工具的解释. 包括一个CD-ROM与电子表格工具. 教师可获得解决方案手册.

    The 九州体育官方手册-Fundamentals 涵盖了暖通空调的基本原理和基本数据&R design, 包括理论部分, 一般工程资料, basic materials, 负荷和能量计算, 以及风管和管道的设计. It includes a CD-ROM with all the volume’s chapters in both I-P and SI units.

    供暖、通风和空调原理 教科书是基于ASHRAE手册吗–Fundamentals. It contains the most current ASHRAE procedures and definitive yet easy-to-understand treatment of building HVAC systems, 从基本原理到设计和操作. 教师可获得解决方案手册.

    九州体育官方GreenGuide 向学生展示暖通空调&如何有效地参与设计团队, from the earliest stages of the project through the resulting structure’s construction, operation, 维修及最终拆卸.

    负荷计算应用手册 provides the latest information on load calculations and is a perfect companion to the ASHRAE Handbook–Fundamentals. 讨论了建筑物内的传热过程, 以及他们的共同分析来确定冷却负荷.

    科技促进建筑环境(STBE) ASHRAE的档案研究期刊是什么. 每期100多页的问题提供了建筑环境和冷却技术领域的环境控制研究的全面报告,广泛的应用和相关的过程和概念, 包括底层热力学, 流体动力学和传热. Only works reporting on research that is original and of lasting value are accepted for publication. 收录在ISI科学与当前内容网络数据库中, 该杂志由泰勒和弗朗西斯集团出版.

  • Group Learning



    精心设计的课程材料并不一定要花很多钱. These group learning packages include texts, 试题, 教师的答题纸和幻灯片. Visit cmusrm.mytime2win.com/grouplearning 定价和采购.

    学习基本的空中运动, 空气分配系统的组成部分, 人体舒适度的考虑, 负荷及占用需求, 风管系统设计, sound and vibration and how codes and standards affect the design of air systems.

    Addresses current issues related to the operation, maintenance and management of buildings. 这个双单元(I-P/SI)课程为这些主题提供了不可或缺的介绍,并为经验丰富的建筑专业人士和进入该领域的个人提供了宝贵的教学资源.


    了解商业和住宅建筑的各种供暖系统,以及每种供暖系统的三个基本组成部分:燃料源, 能量转换装置和能量分配系统.

    学习制冷的过程和制冷系统的运作方式, 还有制冷系统的类型.

    学习热力学的基本概念. 主题包括系统的属性, 流程和周期, Ideal Gas Law, 热力学定律, 制冷循环和热化学.

    Learn the basic concepts of hydronic system operation and design including piping systems, 管材及管件, 离心泵, terminal units, 膨胀水箱和冷水机.

  • 学生资源


    All resources listed are free of charge; however, some are available on a loan basis (i.e. videos). 请与学生活动副经理联系 kthomson@mytime2win.com 确保贷款项目的可用性满足您的调度需求. 


  • Student Courses

    New ASHRAE Course: Benchmarking and Assessment of Building Energy Performance


    ASHRAE开发了一门新的大学建筑能源审计和分析课程,使用ASHRAE建筑EQ评级系统作为学习框架. Unlike other ASHRAE educational products that focus on continuing education of industry professionals, this course is designed as a traditional three-credit college course for upper-level undergraduate or graduate students. 它寻求在学术导师和行业专业人士的指导下,通过在真实建筑中实践工程,提供基于项目的学习体验.

    该课程包括十周的课堂教学,然后在当地行业导师的指导下进行五周的团队实践工作. 本课程旨在为每个学生团队提供一个具有代表性的校园或社区建设,这将为基础技术和技术以及实际的实地研究提供重点.

    The course is intended to be a partnership between local ASHRAE organizations and an academic department and instructor. 通过地方分会和学生分会, ASHRAE可以为学生团队提供专业的导师,也可以为课程提供具有广泛领域知识的潜在联合讲师. 学术机构应在其正常课程范围内举办课程,并将课程推广为基于项目的学习体验. 用于能源审计的建筑物可以通过机构的设施管理组织提供,也可以从当地社区设施(例如.g.、无家可归者收容所、公共房屋、食物银行).

    预计学生之前将有热科学(或建筑物理)和建筑机械/电气系统的课程. 潜在的学生可能是工程专业的, 工程技术, architecture, 施工管理, 或者环境研究.

    课程内容可通过点击下面的按钮获得. Access to sample course material in PDF format requires a simple registration, while access to all material in native format requires agreement to licensing terms. 以下文件提供了介绍性信息:

    pdf_icon.png 一页的课程描述

    pdf_icon.png 教学大纲样本(2017年6月更新)

    pdf_icon.png 带学习目标的课程大纲(2017年更新)

    课程内容免费提供, though students will be expected to purchase some resources through ASHRAE with student discounts.


    欲了解更多信息,请发送电子邮件 BuildingEQ@mytime2win.com.


    Walid Chakroun, 科威特大学教授, 谁也在ASHRAE流行病工作队工作, developed a presentation covering COVID-19 from an Indoor Air Quality Perspective. The free university lecture can be used by professors, students and ASHRAE Student Branch Advisors.




    进入课程和使用课程材料是免费的.  Instructors are provided with lecture notes, activity sheets, and course presentations.


    This new course is first of its kind by UN Environment to offer comprehensive scientific information at the academic level. Future engineers will be offered the skills required to manage refrigerants soundly, as well as, technical and policy aspects associated with the refrigeration and air-conditioning industry.

    UN Environment is especially interested in encouraging instruction of the course in developing countries.

    点击注册按钮索取样本课程材料. 在您审阅样本课程材料并批准使用后, 返回注册按钮下载完整的课程资料.


    有关联合国环境规划署大学课程的问题,请联系Steve Comstock comstock@mytime2win.com

  • ABET


    学生是暖通空调的下一代&R practitioners and ASHRAE has an interest in ensuring that education programs meet the needs of the industry. 像其他专业协会一样, ASHRAE支持教育项目的认证,以确保毕业生有信心为我们的行业服务.

    ASHRAE是组成ABET的35个专业协会之一, which accredits over 4000 educational programs in 32 countries in the disciplines of applied science, computing, 工程和工程技术助理, 学士和硕士学位水平. 在ABET中,ASHRAE是暖通空调的主要协会&R工程技术专业,是建筑工程和环境工程专业的合作社团. Less formally, ASHRAE在机械工程和机械工程技术项目的认证问题上与ASME合作.

    More specifically, ASHRAE participates in the ABET认证程序 in two ways. First, 通过学生活动委员会, ASHRAE helps develop accreditation criteria for engineering and 工程技术 programs. Second, ASHRAE成员担任ABET项目评估员, 参观学校的专家, 与教育工作者和学生见面, 复习课程和学生作业, 并评估这些项目是否符合认证标准.

    有关成为ABET项目评估员的更多信息,请访问 http://www.abet.org/program-evaluators.
