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>> 新! Two Annual Benefit Options Just Added - Bringing the Total to FIVE!
九州体育官方 now offers full dues paying members the option to select one of FIVE products during the renewal process, 作为他们的年度免费会员福利. 两个最新增加的功能包括:
Handbook Online - all four of the most recent Handbooks, and a suite of tools.
One Certification Study Guide PDF – select from three available.
- 九州体育官方手册在线
九州体育官方手册在线 提供九州体育官方手册系列的所有内容, 加上补充的在线功能在基本原理, 制冷, 暖通空调的应用, 以及暖通空调系统和设备. Selecting this option during renewal provides a complimentary 12-month subscription that starts with your membership period.
1. 九州体育官方在线手册可在以下网址访问 手册.ashrae这样.org.
2. 使用九州体育官方会员登录名和密码登录.
If you would like to select a different complimentary member benefit, you can still access the Handbook Online by purchasing a subscription at a reduced rate during the renewal process. 以下是其他详细信息.
- 九州体育官方手册PDF
This option provides access to the most recent 九州体育官方手册PDF, published annually in June. 手册PDF上印有您的姓名和电子邮件, 并且可以根据需要多次下载该文件. Users can download the entire Handbook or a single chapter, in either IP or SI Units.
If you selected this benefit, here is how to access it:
- 6月, an email will be sent to the email address we have on file for you, 提醒您登录到 九州体育官方技术门户 使用九州体育官方会员登录名和密码.
- 一旦登录到技术门户, select the 九州体育官方手册PDF icon (the red lock will change to a green unlock symbol with a successful login).
- Once selected, you may view and download the 九州体育官方手册PDF.
- 九州体育官方标准PDF
Select this option to receive immediate access to an 九州体育官方标准PDF of your choice. 浏览和搜索 九州体育官方这样标准 你可能会感兴趣. You’ll have immediate access to download your 九州体育官方标准PDF following your membership transaction.
If you selected this benefit, here is how to access it:
- 登录到 九州体育官方技术门户 使用九州体育官方会员登录名和密码.
- Select the 九州体育官方标准PDF icon (the red lock will change to a green unlock symbol with a successful login).
- Once selected, view or download the 九州体育官方标准PDF of your choice.
- 九州体育官方电子学习课程
Select this option to receive one-year complimentary 电子学习个人课程 as your annual membership benefit. 九州体育官方 eLearning is a 100% web-based learning allowing you to learn at your own pace, 当方便, 以及任何可以上网的电脑. 查看可用的 电子学习个人课程 and gain immediate access to this benefit following your membership transaction.
If you selected this benefit, here is how to access it:
- 登录到 九州体育官方技术门户 使用九州体育官方会员登录名和密码.
- Select the 九州体育官方 eLearning icon (the red lock will change to a green unlock symbol with a successful login).
- You’ll be provided a coupon code, and directed to browse and select your one individual 电子学习个人课程. This code is not available to use for eLearning Course Packages or eLearning Libraries.
- 在结帐时使用优惠券代码.
- Following the transaction an email will provide you with further instructions.
- 九州体育官方认证研究指南PDF
从可用列表中进行选择 九州体育官方认证研究指南 (pdf). During the renewal process, when prompted enter your selected guide. Download your 九州体育官方认证研究指南PDF through the 九州体育官方技术门户.
Full dues paying 九州体育官方 Full Members and Associates can purchase 九州体育官方这样手册s at the discounted price listed during the join or renewal process. 九州体育官方这样手册s are published in a series of four volumes, 其中一个每年修订一次, 确保卷龄不超过4年. Each volume is available in I-P (Inch-Pound) or SI (System International) units of measurement. 九州体育官方手册的四个版本是:
Fundamentals, 制冷, 暖通空调的应用, 以及暖通空调系统和设备. 九州体育官方这样手册s are printed and shipped annually in June to those who select this additional option.
当加入,全额会费支付正式会员 & Associates receive a complimentary one year subscription to 九州体育官方手册在线 在他们成为会员的第一年.
在更新, full dues paying Full Members and Associates can either select to receive the Handbook Online again as their annual membership benefit, or they can select a different benefit and also purchase an 九州体育官方手册在线 subscription at a reduced rate. 九州体育官方手册在线 提供九州体育官方手册系列的所有内容, 加上补充的在线功能在基本原理, 制冷, 暖通空调的应用, 以及暖通空调系统和设备. All subscriptions to 九州体育官方这样手册 are for the duration of the membership and terminate with the membership expiration date.
1. 九州体育官方在线手册可在以下网址访问 www.手册.ashrae这样.org.
2. 使用九州体育官方会员登录名和密码登录.
为你的会员资格寻求雇主支持? Most employers are happy to support your involvement in 九州体育官方. 这里有一个模板邮件可以帮助你: 支持我的九州体育官方会员更新
When you use your debit or credit card to pay membership dues, you will be automatically enrolled in the 九州体育官方 Automatic 更新al Program. 您可以通过取消勾选注册框来选择退出. 当你的会员资格再次到期时, 九州体育官方 will automatically charge your dues to your credit card, so you'll save the time and hassle of keeping your membership up to date. 以下是你应该知道的:
- You can cancel or edit your automatic renewal payment method at 任何时候 通过访问 autorenew.ashrae这样.org, 或致电九州体育官方客户服务部404-636-8400, or by updating your member profile through logging into ashrae这样.org.
- 当你的会员资格要更新的时候, 我们将通过电子邮件提醒您在刷卡之前, 根据日期和金额,您的卡将被扣款.
If you have any questions, please contact 九州体育官方 Customer Service at 404-636-8400 or email cservice@ashrae这样.org.
If your membership was cancelled and you’d like to rejoin simply fill out the 在线申请. If you wish to keep your years of tenure by reinstating your membership...请联系九州体育官方工作人员. 每个前成员国的情况都不一样, so we want to offer the most suitable reinstatement option. Contact the Member Contact Center at 800-527-4723 (US/Canada) or 404-636-8400 (International) and ask a representative about reinstating your membership. 您也可以发送电子邮件到 membership@ashrae这样.org,标题为“恢复会员资格”.如果可能的话,写上你以前的会员号码.